Fake news and media literacy

The Nösnäsgymnasiet way …

Omdebatterat tema

– Article on Swedisch exchange

Qassem Soleimani, villain or hero? To the best of your ability, I would like you to examine how different countries describe the Iranian general Qassem Soleimanii’s daily press (and perhaps how leaders/presidents write on Twitter). What words are used when writing about him and his career? How does the murder affect? Was it something good or can you see problems with it? Save your notes and we will then compare your results and discuss the reasons for any differences and the consequences of them.


– Presentation by Pär Sahlin


What is Snopes? We are the internet’s go-to source for discerning what is true and what is total nonsense.



This is an evidence-based self-test with constructive feedback where you can test yourself and get better at reviewing digital news.


In this game, you take on the role of a collaborator on a news site. You are commissioned by your editor-in-chief ( 👨🏻 💼 ) to publish news that can be widely disseminated. It is your job to fact-check the news and then chooses an angle on how you convey the news.