BG/BRG Leibnitz

The BG/BRG Leibnitz offers general education for 10- to 18- year old pupils leading to a school leaving exam which enables the pupils to go on to university. At the BG/BRG Leibnitz about 1250 pupils are taught in 49 classes by 120 teachers. A wide range of subjects is offered in our two modern buildings equipped with modern computer rooms, gymnasiums and outdoor sports facilities, creative music and art rooms, well-equipped labs, multimedia libraries and buffets with friendly staff. Various branches specialising in languages, the arts or in sciences are offered. English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin are taught as foreign languages and the science teachers have developed a country-wide acknowledged lab programme. They can also choose a branch focusing on English as a Working Language (CLIL) or another one focusing on music. Our pupils also get a thorough training in social skills. Pupils can choose from a wide range of after school activities like various sports, drama, music…. There is an excellent cooperation between pupils, teachers and parents. Regular school trips such as a getting-to-know-week in the 1st form, two skiing courses (2nd and 3rd form), a week in Vienna (4th form), a sports week (5th form), a project week (6th form) and a language course abroad (7th form) are organised.